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Boones Little Country Girl
Sold to Jess, Diamond Dust Stables, Chazy NY
Buckskin Pinto Mare

KJQ's Maybells Imaging Soari
Sold to Jess, Diamond Dust Stables, Chazy NY
Silver Tovero Mare

Evergreen Commands Attention
Sold to Jess, Diamond Dust Stables, Chazy NY
Black and white pinto mare

Horseshues Lucky Charm of Gold
Sold to a family friend!!
Sorrel Tovero Gelding

Lucky Four Margaret Rose
Sold to a family friend!!
Solid Red Roan Mare

Clearbrooks Mo To Talk About
Sold to Jess Diamond Dust Stables, Chazy NY
Buckskin pinto stallion

Darkmoons Orions Tattooed Creation
Sold to Becky Schulz Redrock Miniatures
Silver Buckskin Overo Stallion

Horseshues Laced In Licorice
Sold to Elizabeth @ Clear Brook Miniatures
in NH
Black Sabino Overo Mare

Horseshues Sweet Brave Hero
Sold to Michele Jones, Madison CT.
Silver Bay Tobiano Mare

Mini Bucks Little Miss Baby Blue
Sold to Michele Jones, Madison CT.
Palomino Tovero Mare

Horseshues Modern Mister T
Black Frame Overo Colt

Castle Rocks Rowdy Midnight Run
Black Frame Overo Stallion

Laurel Acres Double Vision, Melissa Bynum & Family
Black Splash Overo Stallion

Horseshues Impressive Little Lady
Sold to Paula Voglino, Misty Hill Miniatures
Solid Black Filly

Kegleys Lasting Impression Sold now living in CT.
Solid Black Stallion

Dyers Sugar Bush Baby sold to Paula Voglino and family,
Solid Red Dun mare

Prairie Views Little Miss Destiny sold to Paula Voglino
and family, NH.
Solid Buckskin mare

Terminators Put on a happy face sold to Paula Voglino
and Family, NH .
Chestnut Tovero Mare

Horseshues Little Image of Gold Sold to Karen Devendorf
& family, NY!
Solid Bay Filly

Horseshues Golden Destiny Sold to Jenice Fitts &
family, NY!
Solid Buckskin Colt

Horseshues Mystic General Dream Sold to Paula Voglino &
family, NH.
Sabino/splash red roan colt, one light blue eye one dark

Silver Linings Scot of Gold, Sold to Paula Voglino &
Family, NH.
Tovero Chestnut Stallion

Horseshues Lucky Charm of gold , sold to Dean &
Mary Rousa NY!
Tovero Chestnut Colt

Horseshues Termination Belle, Sold to Dean & Mary Rousa
Splash palomino filly

Trotting Brooke Calico, Sold to Elizabeth Pratt &
Family, NY!
Black and White Tobiano Mare

Katelands Lady Mary, sold to Paula Voglino & Family
in NH
Solid Black Mare, in foal to Castle Rocks Rowdy Midnight
Horseshue Miniatures * Port Leyden *
New York* 13433
* Kayla